WICC Organization

The Wonca International Classification Committee (WICC) is a Working Party of the World Organisation of Family Doctors (Wonca).

The affairs of WICC is governed in accordance with the Policy Statement

WICC is made up of experts in classification systems and other tools for primary care/general practice. The WICC organization includes an elected Executive Committee as well as an elected Governance Committee. The Executive Committee hall consist of the Chair, and four others elected members drawn from a list of WICC members and the Governance Committee consist of three members from the list of members.
The Chair should preferably be a qualified physician, and if possible, a primary care clinician. The Chair is appointed by the Wonca Council and Executive, following election by the WICC membership.

See video from 2024 with Gustavo Gusso, chair of WICC, talking about use of classification in family medicine: 


Elected October 24th 2023, at the WICC meet-ing in Sydney, Australia

Gustavo G

Gustavo Gusso, Brazil

Professor of family medicine and communication in clinical practice.
São Paulo, Brazil


Executive Committe

  • Gustavo Gusso, Chair of WICC

  • Øystein Hetlevik, Norway, Deputy Chair,  WICC

    Professor, University of Bergen, Norway

    Department of Global Public Health and Primary Care

  • Julie Gordon, Australia

    Research Fellow, Family Medicine Research Centre, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney

  • Elena Cardillo, Italy 

    Institute of Informatics and Telematics, National Research Council, Italy

  • Preben Larsen, Denmark

    MD, Senior consultant, KiAP, Quality in Primary Care, Denmark


Governance Committee

  • Francoise Mennerat, France

  • Nicola Buono, Italy

  • Jean Karl Soler, Malta
