WICC membership includes Full membership and Associate members.
You can also be an observer prior to applying for membership,
or you can apply for a Former Membership if you 'retire' as a Full Member of WICC.
Full members shall be individual members or representatives of National Organizations or a group of national organizations which are representative of general practitioners / family doctors. Persons accepted as members of WICC should be members of a Wonca Member Organisation AND/OR individual Direct Members of Wonca. Full members shall have the right to vote, forward and second proposals for
Associate members shall be individual members or representatives of National Organizations or a group of national organizations which are representative of general practitioners / family doctors who participate in WICC affairs but who either:
Do not seek Full membership, or
Are waiting to be awarded/apply for Full membership or
Do not fulfil the requirements for Full membership.
Nonmembers may be formally invited through the Chair to attend and participate in the WICC Annual Meeting. They may also participate in related work, as tasked by WICC.
Former Members
Full Members of WICC that may not be able to fulfill the duties of members or wish to leave the Committee, but still be interested in following and making small contributions to WICC’s activities. They may be given a special status of Former Member.
The rules and conditions for membership is described at the Policy Document